Photo credit: Diana Gran Portraits, Highland Park

Andrés TAPIA

for City Council
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VOTE - April 1, 2025

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A Voice For All People

For a community to accept one’s invitation to serve them in government is to be entrusted with something of great value that must never be taken for granted.
When I first ran for City Council nearly four years ago, I promised to help make Highland Park a more inclusive, thriving, and welcoming community.  
Since being elected almost four years ago, nearly every Saturday morning I have done a walkaround of our business districts checking in on how our existing and new businesses are doing. I have also connected every chance I get with our residents as I come across you all through the daily rhythms of our City. Plus, I’ve invited many visitors to experience Highland Park through our retail, cuisine, arts programs, and community vibrancy.
As I look back on my first term, I am proud of what we have achieved, from advancing economic development to strengthening our sense of community. 
Today, Highland Park continues to be a city that balances innovation with tradition, ensuring we remain fiscally stable, safe, and environmentally conscious while still pursuing new opportunities for growth. 
In seeking re-election, I bring both the experience of having delivered on many of my promises made in my first campaign, and the vision to continue building on our City’s strong foundation.
We have much to be proud of, but we still have more people to include, more storefronts to fill, more businesses to retain — all while making sure we continue to be a City that works.
I believe the best is yet to come!
I look forward to — together — building an even more welcoming and thriving Highland Park. 
¡Adelante! Forward!
– Andrés 

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